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Author Topic: QMA Does it again  (Read 38903 times)
Posts: 1

« on: March 26, 2011, 07:24:45 AM »

QMA must have a death wish with there latest act of stupidity!!!!!   How can you have the National tech director write the set of rules for the animal engine platform and do the right thing by allowing milling the Cylinder head in the final draft of the rules to be released and then the NBOD make him change it!!!  How does that work?  Most of the QMA memebers are wanting an engine that can be ran in QMA or USAC with minimal changes. Thought QMA is a member driven orginzation? Thats there big selling point over USAC. But with the wisdom of the presedent of QMA and Ziggy it was changed against the wishes of the Nat. Tech Director. Might help to have a loaded region 2 board to get it voted down.
 They claim that this move will save the racer money! I call BS on this. Any Engine builder knows that is so far out of line. Several engine builders have posted on here about only adding a minimal cost to the engine with this move and make for a more level playing field for all!
And with Ziggy voting not to allow this proves that he does not have the racers best intrest in mind. How much more can be charged for that special cyl. head. thats at the minimum QMA spec?  We are headed back to the same mentality that the Honda platform is on. Thinking that the low budget racer can go get a engine off the shelf and be competitive. Which in some degree they can with the animal. But without allowing machine work it makes  more of a disparity in all acuality. We all know that there are people that will pay considerably for special parts that a budget racer or even most racers cant justify, Exspecially in this economy.
Glad our club was smart enough to make the change to USAC!!!
Posts: 1

« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 11:59:19 AM »

This is why people that make a living off of QM racing should not be able to vote on matters that directly effect there bottom line. The price of building a new Animal motor just went up! And the best part is that vote came from someone that is not even a full member of QMA, he is alternet handler, and seems to have been for the last two years, if you look at the rule book he should have not even been alowed to run for the office. You have to be a full member. As big as a problem as that is, the bigger problem is that the R2 director has rewriten the COC rules and you can now be sent home for misbehaving without a COC hearing. Who defines this? One person? Isn't that why we have the COC? This means that if someone on your local board has a issue with you, they can just tell you to leave and you have no right to defend yourself. This is also coming from a person that is not a full member. I guess that some of the people in QMA feel like they can just follow the rules they want to. QMA has rules and bylaws that are there to protect the members and the sport, but if the rules are not followed, or only followed some of the time you get what we have now, a big fat mess. It is sad because some of these people on the NB really do care and want to do the right thing for the  sport. I wasn't really sure that I even wanted to race this year because of all this stuff that is going on, but I did after the national meeting because I thought the spec tire and the Animal motor would save me some money and bring some of the fun back. But now they are doing a really good job of sucking the fun out of it and driving the cost up for the membership. And I also have to worry about the getting sent home because I rubbed a board member the wrong way. I am sure that Big Brother will figure out who wrote this post and I will get one of those letters I have to sign for from the mailman. Until then I will be joining USAC and looking for the best way to get to Little T. I should also stock up on racers tape to help keep from being asked to leave when I have to attend my local QMA events.
CPG Racing
Posts: 29

« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 12:48:51 PM »

It saddens be deeply as to what QMA NOB is doing, but that is their problem. We at Little T look forward to you coming up and racing with us. Let me know if you need any info.

Dale Gross
Custom Midget Club President
aka Little T
Triple Crown Champion
Posts: 525

« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 07:53:14 PM »

There are over 175 cars having a blast at the Music City race this weekend with USAC in round 2 of the National series on a weekend when most parents have to hurry their kids back to school next week.  Yet between the two National QMA events on Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, they couldn't even pull 100 cars combined for the two events. 

With decisions like this one, QMA will continue to lose cars and families and USAC will continue to gain them.

Scott Freitas
Patriot Motorsports Inc.
Triple Crown Champion
Posts: 525

« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 11:07:03 PM »

The real shame in this whole thing is that Briggs offered to make all new engines for QMA already with the milling and decking done to the USAC spec so they could still box stock and have the same specs so the engines in USAC now could be used.

Be sure to let everyone you know in QMA this was offered, but the board refused to take the offer.  I predict next year will be another great year for USAC with many more clubs making the switch.

Scott Freitas
Patriot Motorsports Inc.
Feature Winner
Posts: 229

« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 02:57:30 PM »

You mean someone who profits off the sport is doing things to make it more expensive? That's preposterous. Cheesy.
Posts: 15

« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 06:21:40 PM »

well let set the record straight . The NBOD did vote that way but it was not a 100% . The vote was 4 to 3 . I know how the outcome was but you can read about it later on when the minutes was posted.  As far as someone talking about the turnout for Nashville well congrads. The turnout would of been over 200. But the owner of the track and it's "track manager" had a list of people that were banned.  If they want to prevent kids from racing I guess that is there choice. Its about the kids huh. sic
Feature Winner
Posts: 229

« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2011, 06:33:22 PM »

well let set the record straight . The NBOD did vote that way but it was not a 100% . The vote was 4 to 3 . I know how the outcome was but you can read about it later on when the minutes was posted.  As far as someone talking about the turnout for Nashville well congrads. The turnout would of been over 200. But the owner of the track and it's "track manager" had a list of people that were banned.  If they want to prevent kids from racing I guess that is there choice. Its about the kids huh. sic

The NBOD and even general membership "vote" on a lot of things that turn out surprising unpopular in the end. As for anyone being denied entry, doubt it. That's hearsay, however, there is plenty of proof on this forum, even pictures, of QMA flat out choosing to not allow certain families to race.

Take that tuff off of her.
Posts: 15

« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2011, 08:13:50 PM »

oh i agree there is a lot of proof on this forum. Usac had nothing to do with kids not being allowed to race. The local track is at fault. James Spink will confirm this. I just hope in the future that USAC put in there contract that anyone with a USAC membership will be allowed to race. Phonecalls  emails, and text that confirm this. Phone calls can not be revealed by federal law. But text and e-mail are fair game. The track owner and track manager are the ones that banned kids. USAC had nothing to do with it. I will have to say it was some real good racing. The best turnout ever for Nashville

Posts: 92

« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2011, 08:24:49 AM »

I really don't care anymore what QMA does.  For the last 2 years I left QMA stickers on my cars along with the USAC stickers...just in case we ran a QMA event.  We were so busy with USAC events last year (32 weekends of racing!) that we had no time for QMA races.  That along with this sort of QMA antic helped me decide I have no use for QMA.  I have taken the stickers off as we will never run another QMA event.  Not gonna worry about what they do anymore, only care what USAC does.  Glad our club (Toledo, OH) got on board in year 1 of USAC .25 so we have had a couple years now to enjoy USAC racing.  We enjoy it enough that even while Austin just turned 16 and could climb in my dirt LM, we elected to spend one more year in .25 because we enjoy it!

Wish we could have made Nashville this weekend! Looked like a great track and fun!  Looking forward to racing with our great USAC family around MI, IN, and OH this summer!

Feature Winner
Posts: 113

« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2011, 03:12:22 PM »

I am not in the least bit supprised. QMA could have done several things in the past that would benifit the sport as a whole but chose not to if for no other reason than to not follow the lead of what USAC has accomplished in such a short amount of time. They could have had the rules written in less than a week if they just downloded the USAC Animal rules.

What this means to many families is that they are now forced to make a choice. I don't think that QMA will like their decisions. We made ours. It is a shame since the closest USAC track is 1.5 hrs away and the closest QMA track is 2.4 miles which we will no longer be racing at.

On the radio broadcast Tisone attributed the decline in QMA membership to the economy. What can be attributed to USAC's 2-yr growth? The same economy? Perhaps it is stupid decisions made by peoplle that have a financial interest in how much a racer spends. How is a member driven organization run? LOL!

We look forward to the good times ahead and will see everyone at the Mac-O-Chee race in a month!


Kris Walker
Posts: 31

« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2011, 11:19:07 PM »

I am sorry: Who the hell cares what QMA does. This is a better deal. Not perfect but striving for it. What does QMA have to offer?  If you want to compete in a poor johny, soocer mom deal go ahead. Little league baseball and midget football follow the lead of their adult disciplines. Oh and if the weather was not so iffy than there would have been over 200 cars. Thanks Music City for an excellent weekend. I was home in bed earlier than the last time we ran a regional at Mini Indy and had 4 more hours of travel time.
Feature Winner
Posts: 200

« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2011, 12:20:36 PM »

Ok. I don't have a dog in this fight and I have been keeping my nose out of it but trying to stay informed for the future. Then, I read this.............

"Rich does not believe that a
vendor should help the NBOD set rules for the organization."

Triple Crown Champion
Posts: 525

« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2011, 02:32:57 PM »

Oh well, all the members can do is the keep the pressure up on the national board.  We will only race our Honda car at QMA events and will just leave the Animal cars in the trailer.  Our club will lose registration fees and the kids will lose experience racing because they won't have cars to make the class.

I will keep up my emails and phone calls to the NBOD too.

Scott Freitas
Patriot Motorsports Inc.
Posts: 13

« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2011, 03:27:32 PM »

I too do not have a dog in this fight but I am still involved with some old friends that still race in QMA and USAC both that I am going to help out this season. My question is why would you have a class that was only for one orginization (USAC or QMA) when there are so many places to race? In Ohio, Indiana & Michigan there are twelve tracks why would'nt you want the rules the same. In 2009 we ran World Formula & Hvy 160 in USAC & QMA and the only change was tires.
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