Tuesday, 28 June 2011

West Coast Racers Head for the Brickyard

West Coast Racers Head for the Brickyard

Story bu Debi Supan

What would make a family want to pile in a 2006 Ford 350 Dually and head 1800 miles to the mid west in July?

Actually not one family but 6 trailers with 13 racing families will be heading east this weekend.  Matich, Edwards,
Heath, Tate, Almon, Attridge, Clark, Snyder, Dale, Custer, Ruston, Fanelli and Morga will start the 1800 mile trek to Indy.

Connie Ellington Matich says its going to take us 25 hours and 38 minutes, according to Microsoft Maps.  Why would they do that? "Our daughter Amber is 14 years old.  She absolutely loves racing and we want to experience the Brickyard."  Connie has been to Indianapolis before, but this will be the first time Amber has ever been to the "racing capital of the world".  "Its a fun family sport for us and we've waited all year for this trip.   All I've heard for weeks now is 'I just can't wait to get to Indy', from Amber."

The Matich Family resides in Arizona and participated in all 3 Machine Tools Supply SW Series - Phoenix, Albuquerque and Orange Show in Southern, California.  She was crowned the SW Series Champion in the Heavy 160 Class and finished 3rd in B.

"We are leaving on Friday," said Amber.  "It's going to take a while to get there, but just leaving makes us getting there sooner," she laughs.  "I want to win against all the competition from around the country that goes to the Brickyard.  I'm going to check out the Indianapolis Museum and just hang out with my friends.   We should be there by Sunday"

Together these families have their cars packed, ever so tightly, without even an inch of room left between cars, parts, coolers and luggage. Clark and Fanelli have both logged over 15,000 miles this season running "Generation Next" events.  "I hated missing Ohio and Milwaukee", said Bryant Dawson.  "I missed Hagerstown, but we made Milwaukee where I was born.  Running at Milwaukee was cool.  I use to go there with my dad to watch races when I was 3 years old," said Michael Fanelli.  It's just what we do", said Jeff Clark.  "It's crazy, but it's just what we do!"