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Author Topic: tire treatment at fall nationals  (Read 304577 times)
« Reply #75 on: February 19, 2009, 06:12:52 PM »

I feel alot of HATE here and this is not about peterson it is about the people that have been wronged by a test that is not positive at all !! Lets all get togather and find a way to police this problem !! If he is right and there was not any trac tac in his tires put in by him,It had to come from somewhere! Just because the test shows it there does not mean the handler put it there !
All QMA and Region 4 has done is point the finger all year and not thought ,maybe he is right there is flaws in are testing! NOW you have 9 other familys that claiming legal(again I know for a FACT that 3 or 4 Had NOTHING in them at the Fall Nationals).
Did you ever stop to ask him for help instead of pointing and calling names?

National Champion
Posts: 319

« Reply #76 on: February 19, 2009, 08:03:49 PM »

Yes mistakes do happen, look at the recall of the 20 blue restrictor plates for being the wrong size.  Were they recently made the wrong size and someone caught it or were these from way back when, and if so, how did they find it and how do they know there are exactly 20 out there?

They should publish everything in regards to testing tires, what the normal ranges are and exactly what they are doing for testing.  There should also be some very strict bagging, sealing and signing going on so the tires cannot be tampered with once taken off the wheels, by the handler.  Nobody else should touch them and they should never leave anyone’s site until properly bagged and sealed.

Nothings perfect but the issue needs to be policed and we need to find a good way of doing it.

Feature Winner
Posts: 137

« Reply #77 on: February 19, 2009, 09:06:16 PM »

I never said that he put it in.He could have ordered them that way.
« Reply #78 on: February 19, 2009, 09:16:44 PM »

all im saying is you get busted cheating your a cheater, its black and white fellas, i know your in denial i can tell by your defensive and angry replies. sorry im just not one to sugarcoat stuff. i bet you also think barry bonds didnt do steroids right? right. my point is dont cheat, enjoy the sport, and thank god everyday you have this time with your children. then you can sleep good tonight. i do.  good night slim!
Posts: 8

« Reply #79 on: February 19, 2009, 09:23:16 PM »

ssssmoke ----all im saying is you get busted cheating your a cheater, its black and white fellas,
OMG !!!  dont you get it !!  Some folks here did not CHEAT !!! No how the heck can you look your kid in the FACE... whats to enjoy there ! 
Feature Winner
Posts: 137

« Reply #80 on: February 19, 2009, 09:41:58 PM »

scott you have a point how does dp know there 20? USAC got the best pr department. The stupid a.. people from natl.
« Reply #81 on: February 19, 2009, 09:43:54 PM »

im not saying that at all, i know of one getting busted for a fact at columbus indoors. all im saying is a cheater is a cheater im not saying everyone is. we beat cheaters more times than not anyhow. dont matter much to me. i think most of the nc racers that come up are the best to race with and dont suspect any foul play at all.
« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2009, 10:14:55 PM »

WOW You just can't fix it can you?! Roll Eyes
Its just to bad that all this is going down and people dont have a clue!
What part of not EVER using Track tac dont you understand?
Didnt use it , buy it , Have someone else put it on, Call trach tac and ask if he ever purchased it!

No angry posts here,Thats where LMAO means, dont really care about his deal ,just want to prevent this happening like this again.But other people would rather point fingers and call names instead of fixing the problem.
Some people Quit a head position and some keep trying to help!
Guess i'm just trying to help.
Posts: 3

« Reply #83 on: February 19, 2009, 10:17:34 PM »

SSSSmoke:  An absolute ridicilous statement it sounds like you watched everyone at Fall Nats prep the tires and witnessed everyone of the tires being tested at the lab with your cheating statement.  Maybe you need to go have a sssssmooookeeee with a swimmer. 

Goffin20 hit the nail right on the head.  Tires were bagged with wheels.  Then they were somewhere unbagged, unmounted and the handlers never saw them so who knows what really happened.  Your correct nothing is perfect but when your talking suspensions and fines you need to eliminate all doubt not introduce doubt at every level.  Sounds like a bunch of folks behind some truly illegal activity not tire prepping. 

Here is a new spin on thing.  They already judged who was going to be illegal and someone gets to pocket all the fine money.  huh.  No wonder they like those jobs.
Posts: 12

« Reply #84 on: February 19, 2009, 10:32:08 PM »

I absolutely am not in denial.  There are cheaters among us all.  But it is not as black and white as you see it.  There are truely some( not all) innocent people getting bashed for no reason.  They should have the right to defend themselves and clear their name.  Ask yourself why the results from tires claimed in Nov. are issued the day after the new "no Appeal" rule goes in effect.  I see alot of people are opening up to the ideas that things could have went wrong and it is not black and white.  But right now ssssmoke a person might as well be talking to a sack of taters than trying to convince you otherwise.  But truth will prevail, and when it does I hope your tune changes to the fact that maybe it isn't all that black and white or at least be man enough to admit so.  I have no earthly idea who you are but would like to talk to you person to person professionally if the opportunity ever arises.  Maybe you can find me at a racing event sometime soon.  I am grateful to have the opportunity to race against the good ol' boys at NC.  I know my son isn't to the level or caliper of most of these kids, but the competition and made him grow leaps and bounds in the short time we have been in this sport.   What I think is neat about it is the way they encourage him and acknowledge him when he does perform well against them in competition.  That sense of pride he feels at those times are well worth the effort we put into it.  Thank you guys and without calling names you all know who you are.  Don't change a thing.    
« Reply #85 on: February 20, 2009, 08:15:30 AM »

slow down fellas im not even talking about the nc race dont know nothing about it i think we are on a different page  sorry. when i refer to a cheater im omly talking about the one case i know for a fact that it was proven by people i know and trust ( at col. indoors). as for the scam you guys are talking about sounds very fishy to me.  another qma scam? dont doubt it
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 08:20:25 AM by ssssmoke » Logged
Posts: 35

« Reply #86 on: February 20, 2009, 08:45:30 AM »

gee now you know why I did not mention any names. You guys are worse than taking my mother in law to an Octoberfest party
Feature Winner
Posts: 106

« Reply #87 on: February 20, 2009, 09:43:32 AM »

Slow down all of you.  I certainly do not like the management techniques of the current BOD of QMA.  I think we all agree there has to be some kind of testing on a regular basis that is as fair as it can be.  Nothing and I mean nothing is 100% positive in this life. 

The world unfortunately is full of cheaters and our children are going to run into them frequently and cheaters learn from cheaters.  Sure we all would like to see our children be the best in anything they do but that is just not possible.  All we can do is encourage them to do the best they can and if they get cheated then support them.

As to testing there just has to be a way that it is done that will give the best results possible with accurate labeling possibly with the handler observing or witnesses to this then the tests performed.  However, no appeal seems to me to be from a dictorial state not the USA.  Not that an appeal would ever work with this current bunch.

Now my next question is how is USAC going to handle this?  Guess on this blog that should be answered.  Especially since we do have coming up some important races.

I did like one gentlemen's way of handling the doctored fuel situation and that was to stop the race have everyone empty their gas into one can then redistribute all that gas back in everyone's gas tank and race away that way everyone had the same.  Can't do that with tires though but everyone will be running the same tires so that is at least a positive step in my opinion.

I have seen a few of the NC drivers and they all appear to be super drivers and handlers super individuals; however, just like the Reg. 4 drivers there are cheaters here also and probably in every region there is.

Bless you all for having such a impact on our future citizens no matter where you live.  Stop and think about how many young people would give anything to have their Dads involved in their lives.

I remain that 69 year old grandmother on one super girl driver of whom I am so very proud.
Posts: 8

« Reply #88 on: February 20, 2009, 11:59:31 AM »

 :)Firsts of all thanks to everyone for understanding that in there was something very wrong with the testing NC.. Shocked
I hope that someway somehow it can be corrected..  All my life .. I have tried to be honest.. to do the so called"right thing"..   But what happened in NC was wrong !!!  it really made examples of all.. you know ...the guilt by association..

 And as I have said just how do you look a child in the face and tell them... we were legal .. when you know you were.. but the test were saying YOU were a cheater !!!  then you have no way to prove you did not CHEAT !!  What does that teach our kids.. what form of honor is in that?  Are you the cheater or is the very organazation that you put so much time energy and effort to follow its rules the cheater... NO WINNER here !!!  How ever it does show that is the perfect world things are not so perfect.. then you simply ly down and take your beating OR you stand up !!!!!!  Lie I say its about your kid  so what would you do Huh??
Posts: 12

« Reply #89 on: February 20, 2009, 12:36:36 PM »

Guess maybe I should not have been so vocal about this being I was not directly involved. But, only by chance I wasn't.  I am just upset that some truely innocent folks are dealing with this and could have been me.  I do love love the sport and hope to continue as much as the economy will allow me.  Just wanted the fence stradlers to keep open minds and not commit all these folks from the nationals before hearing all the facts.  Friendly competition keeps the drive going and I hope to be racing with you guys in the near future.  By the way hows the weather looking in Columbus for next weekend?  Peace to all. I WANNA GO FAST!!!

Marty and Joshua Rummage
North Carolina
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