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Author Topic: Shane Hmiel - Silver Crown Race  (Read 13279 times)
Posts: 1

« on: July 15, 2008, 08:34:37 PM »

I am hearing a lot of buzz about Shane Hmiel's return to racing and how his father used his connections to acquire rides for him.  I must say that I am sickened.  While I certainly applaud Shane Hmiel or anyone else for attempting to get his life back on track, at the same time I have to say that it certainly makes it easier to do so when Mom and Dad are footing the bill or at least paving the way through their contacts in the racing industry.  There are many talented drivers out there who are trying to make things happen the old fashioned way--through hard work day after day, race after race.  Most of those drivers do not have the advantage of Mom and Dad manipulating rides for them.  Furthermore, they have managed to keep themselves clean from drug and alcohol abuse.  To think that a driver would climb behind the wheel of a racecar while under the influence of drugs or alcohol and jeopardize the safety of the other drivers on the track is unfathomable!  As followers of the USAC racing venue, neither my husband nor I can understand what USAC is thinking to allow Hmiel on the track.  We applaud Nascar for taking a firm stance on drug testing and suspensions.  To do anything less would destroy the integrity and character of the sport.  Perhaps USAC should take a page from that same book!

Victoria K.
Posts: 1

« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 01:14:12 AM »

Below is an article that included a quote from Jason Smith (USAC Sr. VP of Race Operations) and I don't think anyone could've said it better!! I'm glad they are giving him another chance. Even if he's not racing in NASCAR, he has obvious talent, and therefore deserves to be racing somewhere/something! Look at Josh Hamilton.. Set the record for most homeruns hit in the 1st round of the homerun derby.. He was a heroin addict, and he turned his life around. I think it's possible for anyone to turn their life around as long as they are READY to turn it around.. and I truly believe Shane is. I've been keeping up with him as much as possible, and after reading many interviews and articles about him, I think he's going to stay clean. He's been clean for over a year, and has papers to prove it (he takes weekly drug tests & has a lot riding on them).

On letting Shane drive in USAC....
“That was a decision that wasn’t made lightly, let me assure you,” insists Jason Smith, USAC Senior Vice President of Race Operations and the man responsible for licensing Hmiel. “The easy way out would have been just to say no. There would have been no controversy. But there’s no one, and that includes most of the people in NASCAR, that believe this kid shouldn’t ever be allowed to race again.
“So, I talked to him,” continues Smith, “and he impressed me that he was ready to turn his life around. And he had six months of self-imposed, weekly testing data to verify that he was working on it. Our drug policy has been in place since January, and he easily fell into those guidelines. Still, I mulled it over for a week before I decided. It’s one of those deals that you just put your neck on the line and make the best call you can. If he messes up, it’s on you.”
Licensed by USAC

And, as far as him using his dad's money and power, WHO isn't doing that these days? Seems like the only way someone CAN get into NASCAR is by first putting in a shit pot of money to them (as if they need it) and going from there!
One thing (that may seem irrelevant to some) that bothers me is the fact that NASCAR enforces such strict laws against drug use (as they should), but still allows beer and hard liquor to sponsor cars, AND allows these drivers and teams to spray each other with all of this alcohol in victory lane (as well as drink these alcoholic beverages on nat'l tv)!! Hmm, let's teach our youngsters to refrain from drinking and driving, but let's paste alcohol content all over the side of a race car and allow these young men to drink and spray it on each other while being televised! Alcohol kills more people every year than drugs do!!

Good luck with everything Shane.. and Best of Luck in the future!!!
We'll be rootin' for ya here in Nascarolina:)
Posts: 10

« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 12:27:33 PM »

I am hearing a lot of buzz about Shane Hmiel's return to racing and how his father used his connections to acquire rides for him.  I must say that I am sickened.  While I certainly applaud Shane Hmiel or anyone else for attempting to get his life back on track, at the same time I have to say that it certainly makes it easier to do so when Mom and Dad are footing the bill or at least paving the way through their contacts in the racing industry.  There are many talented drivers out there who are trying to make things happen the old fashioned way--through hard work day after day, race after race.  Most of those drivers do not have the advantage of Mom and Dad manipulating rides for them.  Furthermore, they have managed to keep themselves clean from drug and alcohol abuse.  To think that a driver would climb behind the wheel of a racecar while under the influence of drugs or alcohol and jeopardize the safety of the other drivers on the track is unfathomable!  As followers of the USAC racing venue, neither my husband nor I can understand what USAC is thinking to allow Hmiel on the track.  We applaud Nascar for taking a firm stance on drug testing and suspensions.  To do anything less would destroy the integrity and character of the sport.  Perhaps USAC should take a page from that same book!

Victoria K.

"Most of those drivers do not have the advantage of Mom and Dad manipulating rides for them. "

Have you walked through the pits at a USAC sprint race lately? Almost all of the young drivers are either driving family owned cars, or their family is buying the ride. And that's OK. The fact that Shane's dad has the contacts that chose to give Shane a chance after his issues is OK by me. Wouldn't you do the same for your kid? I certainly hope so....

"Furthermore, they have managed to keep themselves clean from drug and alcohol abuse. "

Let's hope so - but maybe they just haven't been caught yet....And don't be so keen On NASCAR's efforts...they didn't catch the Fike kid, the police did.... even Kevin Harvick said that NASCAR has a weak testing policy. so much so, Kevin Harvick Incoporated(KHI), instituted its own drug testing policy for ALL employees.

I think that USAC is doing the right thing by testing Shane regularly, or at least reviewing his test results, and allowing him to race. The fact that he made a few mistakes in the past doesn't mean that he can't change...or that he doesn't deserve another chance....

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